Apply for Japan’s new one year startup visa 2 !!

One of the articles that has gotten a large number of views in the last several months is “Apply for Japan’s new one year startup visa !!“, and it is great to know that foreign people are interested in launching their businesses in Japan. In the article, I just touched on the new type of startup visa.
So, today, I would like to share what kind of documents you are going to need to prepare for the startup visa application and will be discussing its application process (in Tokyo).
Basically, there will be six steps and you must pass two different examinations that will be judged by the Tokyo Metropolitan government and the Tokyo Immigration Bureau.
If you want to know whether it is applicable also in a different city, contact me! I provide links (startup visa in Tokyo and Fukuoka) in order for you to get application forms.
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1. Prepare Required Documents
- Application for confirmation of business startup activities
- Plan for business startup activities
- CV
- Copy of passport
- Document that can clarify where you will be residing for 6 months after coming to Japan (e.g. a lease contract)
- Copy of bank certificate
Every document is significant for sure. However, the judgment will be implemented based on the feasibility of your business. Therefore, you have to clarify,
- what kind of business you will start.
- where you will start up your new business.
- how you will prepare for the launch of your new business.
- how much you will need to get funded and how you will make it.
- who will become executives of your company and what kind of roles they will take.
- how much your business is expected to earn (size of the business).
2. Go to Business Development Center TOKYO
Once you complete the preparation of the required documents, you have to go to
Be careful! Your family is not allowed to submit them on behalf of you. However, you can also ask an attorney or an administrative scrivener to submit them (In this case, you also have to submit documentation that proves the relationship with the foreign national).
- Business Development Center TOKYO (Business Concierge Tokyo Akasaka Desk)
Address: JETRO Head Office 7F, Akasaka 1-12-32, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Working Hour: 9:30am ~ 5:30pm
TEL: 03-3582-8353
E-mail: contactus@bdc-tokyo.org
Web: http://www.seisakukikaku.metro.tokyo.jp/bdc_tokyo/english/top/
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3. Confirmation of the Application
4. Issuance of Certificate of Confirmation of Business Startup Activities
After the contents have been confirmed, a Metropolitan Governmental official will be contacting you. Then, you will need to go to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government office to receive Certificate of Confirmation of Business Startup Activities.
*If the business startup activities were not able to be confirmed: “Notification on the Results of Confirmation of Business Startup Activities” will be given to you.
5. Application to the Tokyo Immigration Bureau for Certificate of Eligibility for Status of Residency (Business Manager)
After receiving the Certificate of Confirmation of Business Startup Activities, you will also need to apply to the Tokyo Immigration Bureau for the Certificate of Eligibility for Status of Residence (Business Manager).
When your application is authorized by Tokyo, a six-month “Business Manager” visa will be issued in about two weeks. (you have to go to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office to receive it)
*For details on the procedure, inquire at the Tokyo Immigration Bureau.
6. After receiving “Business Manager “status
- Confirmation of progress in startup activities
- Support for renewal of period of stay
After you succeed in obtaining “Business Manager” status, there are two things that you have to pay attention to, confirmation of progress in startup activities and support for renewal of period of stay.
1. Confirmation of progress in startup activities
Those who have utilized this program and received “Business Manager” status from the Tokyo Immigration Bureau, will be subject to confirmation by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government on the progress of startup activities based on the plan for confirmation of business activities.
The confirmation of the progress of startup activities will be conducted three times during the six month period of stay (once every two months). In at least one of the three times, you will be subject to an interview on the progress of startup activities at your office or residence.
For the confirmation, you could be requested to submit documents clarifying your current business situation, such as office lease contracts, staff employment contracts, etc. If the progress is not satisfactory at all, you might be required to leave Japan.
2. Support for renewal of period of stay
Consulting and support for startup activities will be provided by the Business Development Center Tokyo in order to facilitate the renewal of the period of stay after the initial six-month period.
These are the fundamental steps for receiving a startup visa in Japan. If you want to know more about the detail, contact the Tokyo Metropolitan government and the Tokyo Immigration Bureau directly. I hope you will succeed in getting it and will be able to launch your project in Japan. Good luck!
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Hi there, Where can I get the form?
It will be awesome if link are provided thank you.
Hello, Flanegan! Thank you for your advice! I’ve provided 2 links (startup visa in Tokyo & Fukuoka) in this article. Hope that it will help you! Cheers!