The joy I got from studying entrepreneurship at Uppsala Uni

Studying in Uppsala can provide you with a unique experience since the university has a rich history and the atmosphere is student-oriented.
The connection between students is also very strong because there are a large number of school activities and this is probably the biggest difference between this school and other universities in Sweden.
Hence, studying entrepreneurship at Uppsala University (in this city) gave me a lot of new insights.
What I want to emphasize is that we can receive a lot of opportunities to join very meaningful events in Uppsala because the school organizes them as one of the most prestigious universities in Sweden.
Accordingly, you can expect to connect your entrepreneurship study with practical experience or new insights that you get from attending the events.
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Lectures given by internationally famous people
One of the biggest benefits of studying at Uppsala University is that you can hear many lectures given by famous business people, scholars and experts.
As I mentioned beore, Skype’s founder Niklas Zennström came to Uppsala University in order to give a lecture on climate change leadership from his point of view as an expert entrepreneur.

Moreover, Nobelists come to Uppsala University and give lectures for public every year.
Fortunately, I was able to hear Mr. Oliver Hart‘s and Bengt Holmstrom ‘s lectures (the Nobel prize for economic sciences).
So, you have a number of chances to enhance your academic insight through attending these meaningful lectures.
Workshops and Career Tours
Uppsala Career Tour 2017
Also, I was very lucky because I got selected for University’s career tour. Last April, we visited several companies and international institutions such as Google, Linkedin, Nike, the U.N, etc in Brussels, Amsterdam and Dublin.
We could mingle with each company’s employees and expand our network. Since some companies among them were treated by case studies in the entrepreneurship courses, this opportunity was significantly important for me.
In addition, the school also organizes big events while cooperating with other institutions, universities and a municipality. So, you can be connected to society, not to mention people in different fields.
These experience definitely helped me broaden my horizon and influenced my entrepreneurship study in a good sense.
To be continued …
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