Uppsala University Global Alumni Day

On 7 November, 2017, global alumni get-togethers were arranged by Uppsala University alumni volunteers in 62 cities in 45 countries, ranging from “Swedish fikas” to mingles.
The day started with an alumni breakfast in Dunedin, New Zealand, made its way around the globe and end with dinners in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle in the U.S.
The initiative aimed to celebrate the growing Uppsala University alumni network worldwide. Therefore, the school decided to make this global event happen in order for us to meet fellow alumni and friends, develop our connections and networks, and reminisce our amazing lives in Uppsala.
A variety of people were welcomed to attend this event. Not only current alumni, but people who have worked or are currently working at Uppsala University, their honorary doctors, guest researchers, board members and others close to the University were regarded as alumni.
In addition, even people who were just considering studying at Uppsala University in the future and those who are partners in research projects or other types of international collaboration project were eligible to join it.
In 62 cities in 45 countries
Uppsala University alumni got together in 62 cities in 45 different countries. You can check how each event looked like on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (#UUGlobalAlumniDay and #uppsalauniversity).
I also joined the event in Tokyo. About 40 alumni got together and shared individual memories and even some of the attendants were international people who are currently studying or working in Japan.
Since most of us are working, I saw some alumni giving advice to other students about their future career or the rest of their school lives.
So, no matter if you’re still studying or working, you must be able to have a meaningful experience!
Oh, you’ll get a small gift from the school!
Global Alumni Day 2018
The global alumni event will be happening next year as well. If you want to organize it in your country or city, you can always contact the Alumni Office.
If you’re unable to attend next time but you wish to stay connected with Uppsala University and other alumni, make sure you’re a member of the Alumni Network and don’t forget to add your postal address so that they can find you when they arrange events abroad.
Uppsala University has challenged to keep this sense of fraternity and cherished their community for decades. So, you get to continue having a fantastic moment with the school even after finishing your study.
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