Who is eligible to receive ¥100,000 financial aid from the Japanese government?

Finally, the Japanese government decided to provide us with ¥100,000 financial aid as the COVID-19 crisis has already damaged various industries.
To be completely honest, the financial aid (¥100,000) would not be enough to help us monetarily as decreases in sales and income are massive but still we are required to pay rent, utility bills and all kinds of necessary costs.
However, at least, we can live with it for a while. Therefore, it should be provided as early as possible.
Just recently, I have received the same question ” who is eligible to receive it?”.
To be more precise, “can foreign people living in Japan get it as well as Japanese?”
I will explain it especially for international people here.
Who is eligible to receive it?

There are several important things that you have to know about it.
- Who is eligible to receive it?
Anyone who is on “Juminkihondaicho” (the basic resident register) as of April 27, including foreign people who have legally resided in the country for more than three months. Homeless people also have the right to receive it, but they will have to become registered with a city or town. - How do you receive it?
An application form is supposed to be sent to everyone who is eligible. You can choose either to mail a signed document or to apply online through the government website. However, if you apply it online, you have to have “My Number” card. In-person applications will be limited to special cases in order to reduce the risk of spreading the coronavirus. The head of household will be responsible for applying for everyone in the family, and the cash will be wired to his or her bank account. - When Do you receive it?
The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications says, “We are aimed at supplying as early as May”. Therefore, it can be expected to start from possibly May, after June or July in reality. What if I do not have a bank account in Japan?
According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, people who do not have it will get cash at “windows”. However, they have not mentioned “which windows” probably it depends on where you live) so that you will need to make it sure by yourselves.- Will this financial aid be taxed?
This will not be subject to taxation. - If you do not want to receive it by household? (For example, you and your husband are separated due to one’s domestic violence but still are married on paper.)
In the case of DV, a municipality where you live will be dealing with it individually, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications says.

As the initial response of the Japanese government towards this unidentifiable virus was super slow, this negative consequence would be lasting longer than other developed nations that have taken effective measures.
“Cash is king.”
This is an economic (or management) expression, but it applies to everyone in Japan at this moment.
Securing your cash.
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