Silicon Valley Venture and Innovation will be branching out in Kobe

This month, a very powerful startup supporter will be opening their first branch in Kobe, Hyogo.
Silicon Valley Venture and Innovation (SVVI), a Silicon Valley-based startup support organization whose mission is to help international IT startups expand their markets in Japan and to conduct test marketing, will be starting their business in Kobe.
500 startups

They aim to attract and support 100 startups (both domestic and international) in collaboration with the city of Kobe.
Mr. Zafer Younis, the CEO of SVVI, had been a leader of a business development team in 500 Startups, an American VC, until last year.
Why Kobe?
Kobe has been geared toward supporting IT startup companies in the last several years.
500 Startups was first to exploit the potential of Kobe as a tech startup hub and Zafer Younis realized that Kobe would be changing Japan’s tech startup scene.
Then, he decided to establish a startup accelerator on his own and has offered a consulting service to tech startup companies.
“A majority of U.S startups are aimed at expanding their ventures in Europe. However, in some fields such as the cybersecurity industry, there is more scope for stepping into the Japanese market. If the experimental developments succeed in Kobe, I am sure there will be startup firms establishing businesses here.” Zafer Younis

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